Welcome to Stratford and Freshwater Community Association
SAFCA was established by the two communities in 1985 to improve and maintain the amenity and liveability of Stratford and Freshwater. It was incorporated in 2005 and celebrated 30 years at a street party in 2015.
A history of 30 years of community engagement can be found here
The AGM is held in August each year, before the monthly general meeting.
Stratford and Freshwater Community Association Inc (SAFCA) meets at 6.30 pm on the third Tuesday of the month, usually at Stratford Community Hall.
Aerial View of Stratford, 1940.
Image: Cairns Historical Society (B4266).
Stratford and Freshwater Heritage Trail Maps
There are two heritage trails in our area, Stratford and Freshwater. They consist of self guided walks (parts can be driven by car) with information boards at important sites. The aim of the project was to engage the local community by recording and sharing our history. Funded through Q150, Cairns Regional Council and the sponsorship of local businesses, organisations, residents and SAFCA members, the Heritage Trails record and preserve the rich and diverse history of the area.
Click the images to view and print.
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Welcome to Stratford and Freshwater Community Association SAFCA was established by the two communities in 1985 to improve and maintain the amenity and liveability of Stratford and Freshwater. It was i...